Rates of reaction flashcards

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Michelle Heelis
Image of rates of reaction flashcards resource
Main Subject
Key stage
Resource type
Student activity

This activity is an introduction to what is meant by rate of reaction and how rates of reaction are measured. It also helps students to recognise the equation for mean rate of reaction.

The resource focuses on ways of measuring the rate (decreasing mass on a balance, increasing gas volume in a gas syringe, turbidity of precipitate). The flashcards can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Give students the cards without answers so that they can write their own responses. They can check them against the cards with answers.
  • Use the completed cards in pairs to check each other’s knowledge and understanding.

This is a useful learning check following a demonstration/practical and after the explanation phase of a lesson. It encourages students to think about new terminology and the differences in how rates can be measured.

A sample question from the resource: 

How can a gas syringe be used to measure the volume of gas given off during a reaction?

Answer: Connected to a conical flask in a closed system. When gas is produced, it pushes the inside of the syringe outwards. This can be used to measure how much gas has been given off.

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