How did 'Bad King John' rule England?

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Chris terry
How did 'Bad King John' rule England?
Main Subject
Key stage
Middle Ages c.410-1450: Magna Carta and the emergence of Parliament
Resource type
Complete lesson
Concepts and methods

Students select the most important qualities for a king in the medieval period. They then read about the problems faced by King John I and evaluate the relative importance of those challenges. Finally, they assess the significance of the Magna Carta and consider who was not protected by its rules.

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Background information

King John I ruled England from 1199 to 1216. In this time, he faced opposition from some of the richest and most powerful people in England. At the time, and since, King John has often been seen as a bad king, but some historians have argued that he was simply unlucky.

Fun fact – King John is today perhaps most famous as the villain ‘Prince John’ in Robin Hood. Remember, Robin Hood is a legend and in this activity you should make up your mind using the historical evidence presented to you, not what you know from a children’s story or a cartoon.

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