Hot and cold – changing states investigation

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Victoria Humphries
Hot and cold – changing states investigation
Main Subject
Science: States of matter
Resource type
This experiment is a great introduction to looking at how materials change state due to temperature at lower KS2. It is based around a simple experiment using food to see how change in temperature affects the physical state of a substance. Butter, chocolate, cheese and ice are placed separately in foil cups which are then floated in bowls of hot water in order to observe what happens to them next. Children are encouraged to make predictions and then record their results. Health and safety: take care when using hot liquids.

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I altered the sheet for my class and we will use it to record our experiment I added a 'draw what you saw' section



I altered the sheet for my class and we will use it to record our experiment I added a 'draw what you saw' section
