Describing environmental adaptations

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Jane R
Describing environmental adaptations
Main Subject
Key stage
Resource type
First lesson
Working scientifically
Development of scientific thinking

This KS3 introductory environmental adaptations presentation take students through the process of describing different adaptations. 

It uses the environmental adaptations of a penguin as a model, before summarising some of the adaptations of bamboo, anteaters and poison arrow frogs.


An extract from a PowerPoint slide: 

Penguins live in southern hemisphere and around Antarctica (although some live in the Galapagos Islands, close to equator where the waters are very cold. What adaptations do they have to help them cope with the cold?

Despite their appearance and small wings, penguins are very agile underwater. They can swim at speeds of 2 m/sec. Can you convert this to m or km per hour?

The films and images we see usually show penguins on land but they spend 70-80% of their lives at sea. Think about this this when describing their adaptations.

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