20 ideas for making it stick

Author: Adam Boxer
Published: 05/09/2020

Helping to make learning stick

With the increased focus on knowledge and long-term memory in many of our current GCSE specifications, including notably in Science, there is no doubt that many schools in the country are having to rapidly adapt.

It’s a whole new level of demand, and even with the time gained from the loss of controlled assessments, departments everywhere are struggling to fit all the content in.

Covering the content is clearly not enough, and teachers must start to use short-term, in-class techniques as well as long-term routines and strategies in order to ensure that students retain the material taught and are able to apply it flexibly in the exam. ‘20 ideas to make it stick’ draws on evidence from the cognitive sciences as well as observational studies of expert teachers.

Its aim is to provide you with simple, easily implemented ideas to help your students build up the vast amount of knowledge required for success.

Download Adam Boxer's article 20 ideas for making it stick.

(This article was first published as a newsletter on 04/12/19.) 


Adam Boxer

Adam Boxer is Head of Science at an academy in North London. He has been involved in evidence-based practice, and presents nationally and internationally on behalf of ResearchEd. As a founder member of CogSciSci, he is particularly interested in applying the findings of cognitive science in the science classroom.