Privacy Notice

Teachit is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of your personal data. This privacy notice explains how your data is collected, used, transferred and disclosed by us. It applies to data collected when you participate in our training or events; use our website, products or services; interact with us through social media, email, post, text or phone; apply for employment with us; or are employed by us.

This privacy notice explains:

Who is Teachit?

The Data Protection Office

What is personal data?

How we keep your data secure

The data we collect about you

How we collect your data

The legal basis for processing your personal data

How we use your data

Communication preferences

Analytics and targeted advertising

How we share your data

International transfers

Your rights

How to contact us


Who is Teachit?

Teachit has always been about supporting teachers and sharing resources. Founded by an English teacher in 1999, it started as a tray in the corner of the staffroom. Now, it’s a thriving community of over 480,000 teachers sharing resources and finding inspiration.

In 2020, Teachit became part of Sandbox Learning Limited.

The separate and distinct legal entities that make up Sandbox Learning Limited and Teachit (referred to collectively as “Teachit”, “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy notice) that are responsible for your personal data include:

  • Sandbox Learning Limited (registered office: 6th floor, Capital Tower, 91 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8RT).
  • TeacherVision (PO Box 51660, Boston, MA 02205, USA)

This also includes any other businesses we may add to this group in the future. If you would like more information about which company you’re dealing with, please refer to the terms and conditions of the product or service you’re using.

The Data Protection Office

Teachit has established a Data Protection Office to oversee the activities we undertake to ensure that your personal data is handed ethically and in line with our legal obligations. If you have any questions about the way in which we collect, hold or process your data please send them to our Data Protection Office at

What is personal data?

“Personal data” is any information about a living individual, which allows them to be identified from that data (for example a name, photographs, videos, email address, or address).  Identification can be by directly using the data itself or by combining it with other information.

The processing of personal data is governed by legislation relating to personal data, which applies in the United Kingdom including the Data Protection Act 2018 and other legislation relating to personal data and rights such as the Human Rights Act.

How we keep your data secure

We have put appropriate organisational safeguards and security measures in place to protect your data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. We keep your data confidential within a secure infrastructure protected by multiple firewalls and we are committed to keeping the security of these systems as up-to-date and as secure as possible. We also limit access to your personal data to those employees, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know it. They will only be permitted to process your data on our instructions and will always be subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We require any third party who is contracted to process your personal data on our behalf to have security measures in place to protect your data and to treat such data in accordance with the law. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and the UK Information Commissioner of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

The data we collect about you

The following groups of personal data may be collected and processed by Teachit:

  • Identity Data such as your first name, last name, title, member ID;
  • Contact Data such as your e-mail address, address, and telephone number;
  • Financial Data such as your bank account details;
  • Transaction Data such as details of the services you have obtained from us, purchase order details, and payments made to/from us;
  • Technical Data such as your internet protocol (IP) address, login data, operating system and platform;
  • Marketing Data such as your marketing and communication preferences in receiving communications from us and our third parties, the technologies used, and any related correspondence;
  • Usage Data such as your use of our website, performance and other communication data;
  • Survey Data such as your comments and opinions provided in response to a survey.

In addition, we may collect the following additional groups of data with respect to job applicants, employees or ex-employees, contractors, and temporary employees:

  • Identity Data such as proof of your identity (e.g. passport, valid driving licence or birth certificate);
  • Contact Data such as information about your marital status, next of kin, dependants, personal and emergency contacts details to be used in the event of an emergency;
  • Recruitment Data such as details of your education, qualifications, occupation, work history, experience, referees, training and skills development;
  • nationality, entitlement to work in the UK, criminal record (if your role requires this) and equal opportunities monitoring information;
  • Employment Data such as the terms and conditions of your employment, salary or fee payments, benefits, work patterns, NI number, attendance, holidays, sickness, disciplinary or grievance issues, medical or health conditions, disabilities (for which Teachit needs to make reasonable adjustments); and information about your vehicle, driving licence, MOT and insurance documents if you drive on company business;
  • Performance Data such as performance reviews and ratings, performance development plans and related correspondence; and timesheet information;
  • Activity Data such as the websites our employees visit while using a Teachit computer or Teachit network, and the activity logs held within Teachit systems and databases;
  • Communications Data such as the emails you send or receive via the Teachit email system.


We also collect, use and share aggregated data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated data may be derived from your personal data but is anonymous and is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this privacy notice.

How we collect your data

We may collect personal data from you when you: use our website, app, products or services or interact with us through social media, email, post, text or phone. In addition, we will also collect personal data from job applicants, employees, ex-employees, trustees, contractors and temporary employees during their recruitment screening and throughout the tenure of their employment with us.

Teachit does not carry out covert monitoring or surveillance (that is, where you are unaware that the monitoring or surveillance is taking place) unless, in highly exceptional circumstances, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that criminal activity or extremely serious malpractice is taking place and, after suitable consideration, Teachit reasonably believes there is no less intrusive way to tackle the issue.

Any covert monitoring or surveillance will be carried out for a limited and reasonable period of time consistent with the objectives of the monitoring or surveillance and will relate only to the specific suspected criminal activity or extremely serious malpractice.

The legal basis for processing your personal data

The law requires us to inform you of the legal basis for collecting and processing your personal data, where we are the Data Controller, or Joint Data Controller. These include:

  • Performance of contract: In most cases, this occurs when we have a contract with you to either provide a product or service to you, or to receive something from you. Examples include: employment contracts; agreements for the provision of our products or services; and procurement contracts. We are also acting under the performance of contract if we collect or process your data for the purposes of entering into a contract, if you have expressed an interest in working with us.


  • Legitimate interests: We may have a legitimate interest in processing certain personal data, which does not relate to the performance of a contract agreed with you. If we rely on our legitimate interests to justify processing your data, we will have conducted an assessment to evaluate the fairness of this; and will only undertake the processing if it is reasonable to do so and will not cause undue risk to you.


  • Legal obligation: We may be legally obliged to process certain data about you.


  • Consent: In general, we do not rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data other than in relation to sending direct marketing communications to individuals via email or text message. Where we would like to be able to contact you about our products and services, and no other legal basis applies, we will seek your consent to retain and re-use your contact details for that purpose. You have the right to withdraw consent to marketing at any time by contacting our Data Protection Officer at


How we use your data

The types of personal data we collect and use, the purposes for which we use your personal data, and the lawful bases we rely on to allow us to use your personal data in that way are set out in the table below.

Where the lawful basis is our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, we have also indicated what those interests are.

We may have more than one lawful basis for using your personal data.


Purpose / Activity Type of Data Lawful Basis
To manage our relationship with you, including: providing you with any information, products or services that you request from us; notifying you about changes to our products, services, events, terms and conditions or privacy notice; statistical analysis, market research, marketing and support.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Marketing
  • Performance of a contract with you
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (to keep our records updated and to study how customers use our products and services)
To create an account, register you as a new customer and administer your account.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Performance of a contract with you
To process and deliver your order including: delivery of products and product features, recording your order details; keeping you informed about the order status; issuing product renewal notices, taking and processing payments and refunds, collecting money owed to us; and assisting fraud prevention and detection.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Financial
  • Transaction
  • Marketing
  • Performance of a contract with you
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (e.g. to recover debts due to us)
To use data analytics to: improve our website, products, services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences; and for market research, statistical and survey purposes.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Financial
  • Transaction
  • Marketing
  • Survey
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (to define types of customers for our products and services, to keep our website updated and relevant, to develop our business and to inform our marketing strategy)
To register you for email updates, and recommend products and services and events that may be of interest to you.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Technical
  • Usage
  • Consent
To gather your opinions on our products and services, or on your experiences of education.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Survey
  • Marketing
  • Consent
To protect the security of commercial and personal data in our care by securing and monitoring activity within our network, internet and email.
  • Identity
  • Technical
  • Usage
  • Communications
  • Activity
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (protecting the data entrusted to us by customers and commercially sensitive data about our business)
To improve our customer service, monitor quality, resolve complaints and ensure compliance with regulations through contact capture, and webforms.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Digital
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (to monitor quality and performance, resolve complaints, improve practice and train staff to improve customer service)
To prevent crime and protect buildings and assets (of Teachit, occupants of the building and of their respective staff and visitors) from damage, disruption, vandalism and other crime.
  • Identity
  • Digital
  • The legitimate interests of staff and visitors and of Teachit and occupants of the building in protecting the building and their assets
For the personal safety of staff and visitors (of Teachit and the occupants of the building) and other members of the public and to act as a deterrent against crime.
  • Identity
  • Digital
  • The legitimate interests of staff and visitors in being safe and the legitimate interests of Teachit and other occupants of the building in keeping their staff and visitors safe
To support law enforcement bodies in the prevention, detection and prosecution of crime.
  • Identity
  • Digital
  • The legitimate interests of staff and visitors in being safe and the legitimate interests of Teachit and other occupants of the building in keeping their staff and visitors safe
To assist in the day-to-day management, including ensuring the health and safety of staff and visitors (of Teachit and occupants of the building).
  • Identity
  • Digital
  • The legitimate interests of Teachit and occupants of the building in managing their businesses and ensuring the health and safety of their staff and visitors.
  • Legal duty under health and safety legislation
  • In some cases- vital interests when processing is necessary to protect someone's life.
To assist in the effective resolution of disputes which arise in the course of disciplinary or grievance proceedings with staff (of Teachit or occupants of or visitors to the building).
  • Identity
  • Digital
  • The legitimate interests of Teachit and other occupants of or visitors to the building in resolving disputes which arise in the course of disciplinary or grievance proceedings
To assist in the defence of any civil litigation, including employment tribunal proceedings (involving Teachit or occupants of or visitors to the building).
  • Identity
  • Digital
  • The legitimate interests of Teachit, other occupants of the building and visitors to the building in bringing or defending any civil litigation proceedings


For job applicants, employees, ex-employees, contractors and temporary employees only:  

Purpose / Activity Type of Data Lawful Basis
To recruit the right people for our business, and manage their working relationship with us, including job role and responsibilities, salary or fee payments, progression, training, performance management and disciplinary or grievance procedures.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Recruitment
  • Financial
  • Transaction
  • Activity
  • Employment
  • Performance
  • Technical
  • Usage
  • Survey
  • Communications
  • Performance of a contract with you
  • Necessary to comply with a legal obligation
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (e.g. to monitor equal opportunities, to gather employee feedback; to contact your next of kin in case of emergency)
To arrange travel for you on Teachit business and making appropriate safety arrangements for this, including monitoring your travel.
  • Identity
  • Contact
  • Communications
  • Performance of a contract with you
  • Necessary to comply with a legal obligation
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (e.g. to contact your next of kin in case of emergency).


We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we wish to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, in so far as we are permitted at law we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so. We may process personal data without your consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks may be carried out on job applicants or employees employed for specific roles, with their consent, to guard against the risk of fraud or other unlawful acts being inflicted upon our customers, partners or employees. We would encourage you to discuss any concerns you have regarding DBS checks with us directly.

We will keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose(s) it was provided for and to meet our accounting, reporting, legal obligations and public interest responsibilities. Further details of the retention periods we apply to your data are available on request from

If you have any questions about how Teachit use any of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

Communications preferences

We may send you information about our products, services, activities and forthcoming events: by email if you have signed up to our email newsletters; or in accordance with your communication preferences if you have provided us with your details when you registered with us or consented to receiving such communications. If you do not wish to continue receiving information from us, you can ‘opt-out’ at any time by using the “Unsubscribe” link included in the footer of an email sent by us or by contacting us directly at

We will process all opt-out requests as soon as possible, but please note that due to the nature of our IT systems it may take a few days for any opt-out request to be implemented.

Our website may include links to and from the websites of our partners and other relevant organisations. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites will have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to their websites.

Analytics and targeted advertising

We use a range of analytics and targeted advertising tools to deliver relevant website content and information to you. For example, we use tools such as Google Analytics to target and improve our marketing campaigns, marketing strategies and Website content. We may also use tools provided by other third parties such as Mouseflow to perform similar tasks that help to keep our website updated and relevant to you.

We may also collect your data where you partially complete and/or abandon data entered on our websites and/or other online forms and may use this data to contact you to remind you to complete any outstanding information and/or for marketing purposes.

We use cookies to help us provide you with a personalised service and to help make our websites and products better for you. For more information about the cookies we use please refer to the Teachit Cookie Policy.

This Site is affiliated with CMI Marketing, Inc., d/b/a CafeMedia (“CafeMedia”) for the purposes of placing advertising on the Site, and CafeMedia will collect and use certain data for advertising purposes. To learn more about CafeMedia’s data usage, click here:

Please note: you can opt-out of the Google Display Advertising Features using Ad Settings or the Google Analytics opt-out browser add on.  In addition, the Digital Advertising Alliance (which includes companies such as Google and Facebook) provides a tool called WebChoices that can perform a quick scan of your computer or mobile device(s) and adjust your browser preferences accordingly. Doing so, however, may restrict the functionality of our website and a large proportion of other websites around the world as cookies are a common feature of most modern websites.

How we share your data

We may disclose and share your personal data with the parties set out below, for the purposes outlined in the tables above:

  • To provide IT systems and software, internet access, website or hosting solutions; organise events or provide marketing and advertising services; provide training and development services; deliver employee benefits, run our payroll, perform occupational health checks and referrals, and provide employee assistance;
  • our professional advisers including auditors, lawyers, bankers and insurers who provide professional advice, accounting, banking, legal, insurance, and pension services, or to meet our audit responsibilities;
  • where you have consented for us to do so. For example, if you have given your consent for us to share your data with a third party in respect of an event, we may pass your data on to the relevant third party administering the event.

We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

We may add to your personal data any information we obtain from third parties that are allowed to share your data with us.

We may share non-personally identifiable information about the use of our websites or products publicly or with third parties, however, this will not include data that can be used to identify you.

International Transfers

We may transfer personal information outside the UK to our affiliates in the USA on the basis that the organisation receiving the information has provided adequate safeguards by way of standard data protection clauses.

We will specifically process and store your payment data with a third party provider located in the United States. By proceeding to subscribe and by providing your payment information you expressly consent to your data being transferred to and stored with the third party provider. However as stated elsewhere in this policy you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting our DPO at .

Your Rights

You have several rights under the data privacy legislation - details of each of these rights are set out below.

You have the right to:

  • Access your data: You can access the data we hold on you at any time, by making a Subject Access Request. The more specific you can be about what you want to know, the better. We will need to confirm your identity before we release data to you.


  • Rectify your data: You can ask us to correct any data we hold about you that is inaccurate.


  • Request erasure: You have the right to ‘be forgotten’, in certain circumstances. This right does not apply if it would prevent the performance of a contract with you or if there is another legal requirement for us to retain your data. If erasure is not possible, you may be able to ask us to restrict processing.


  • Request the restriction of processing of your data: You may ask us to suspend the processing of your data under certain circumstances, for example pending a review of the accuracy of the data or after you have objected to our use of the data, and we need to establish whether we may lawfully continue processing it.


  • Request the transfer of your data: In some cases, you can ask us to transfer the data you originally provided to us to yourself or to another company. This only applies to data you provided directly, or that we observed about you through automated means.


  • Object to the processing of your data: You can object to our processing of your data for direct marketing purposes, or on the basis of our stated legitimate interests (defined in the table above). In some cases, we may have compelling lawful grounds to process your data which override your rights and freedoms.


  • Object to automated decision-making: You can also object to the processing of your personal data where profiling is being used to make assumptions about your behaviours or preferences; for example, to target marketing communications. You have the right not to be subject to automated decision-making and can require that any such decisions are reviewed by a human.


  • You can lodge a complaint: If you believe your data is being handled in a way that breaches data protection legislation, you can lodge a complaint with us directly. You also have the right to complain to the UK Information Commissioner. Please be aware that we take the handling of your personal data very seriously. As such, we would always appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns you may have directly with you.


If you wish to exercise any of these rights, or lodge a complaint please contact our Data Protection Office at You will not normally have to pay a fee, however, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. We will always try to respond to any legitimate request within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated.

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.

About Our Advertisers:

All or partial advertising on this Website or App is managed by Playwire LLC. If Playwire publisher advertising services are used, Playwire LLC may collect and use certain aggregated and anonymized data for advertising purposes. To learn more about the types of data collected, how data is used and your choices as a user, please visit

For EU Users only: If you are located in countries that are part of the European Economic Area, in the United Kingdom or Switzerland, and publisher advertising services are being provided by Playwire LLC, you were presented with messaging from our Consent Management Platform (CMP) around your privacy choices as a user in regards to digital advertising, applicable vendors, cookie usage and more. If you’d like to revisit the choices you have made previously on this Website or App, please click here.


How to contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about the way in which we collect, hold or process your data, or simply wish to exercise your rights (as identified in the previous section) please contact us directly.

You can contact the Data Protection Officer at


Last Updated July 2024.