Teaching and learning
Leading CPD practitioners including Mary Myatt, Kathrine Mortimore, Sue Cowley and David Didau offer their advice on the key topics and evidence-based research in teaching and learning to help you to grow and develop as a teacher.
- Teaching poetry: approaches for training teachers
Teaching poetry: approaches for training teachers
Published: 17/08/2020By: Helena Thomas - 20 ideas for teaching MFL grammar
20 ideas for teaching MFL grammar
Published: 05/09/2020By: Vanessa Salter - Shakespeare as a performance: bringing the plays alive without too much classroom chaos
Shakespeare as a performance: bringing the plays alive without too much classroom chaos
Published: 14/04/2014By: Francis Gilbert - Imaginative ideas for teaching Gothic fiction
Imaginative ideas for teaching Gothic fiction
Published: 12/12/2016By: Victoria Walker