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Fractions, decimals and percentages
Here you'll find a curated collection of resources that combine two or more of the three topics fractions, decimals and percentages. For resources that are specific to one of these topics, see our fractions page, our decimals page or our percentages page.
Search results
Strategies for remembering students' names
Published: 21/10/2019
Assertiveness in the classroom: what sort of teacher do you want to be?
Assertiveness in the classroom: what sort of teacher do you want to be?
Published: 21/10/2019
By: Aly Spencer
Making the most of your mentor relationship: tips for novice teachers
Making the most of your mentor relationship: tips for novice teachers
Published: 21/10/2019
By: Helena Thomas
Plan, teach, mark: the magic roundabout
Plan, teach, mark: the magic roundabout
Published: 21/10/2019
By: Andy Sammons
Surviving your first teaching placement: 10 golden rules
Surviving your first teaching placement: 10 golden rules
Published: 21/10/2019
By: Andy Sammons
Keeping up to speed with metacognition and self-regulation
Keeping up to speed with metacognition and self-regulation
Published: 21/10/2019
By: John Medlicott
Anxiety and depression, the terrible twins: what they are and how to spot them
Anxiety and depression, the terrible twins: what they are and how to spot them
Published: 27/11/2019
By: Andy Sammons
Developing resilience: how teachers can help students
Developing resilience: how teachers can help students
Published: 28/11/2019
By: Tracy Godfroy
Handwriting in secondary school
Handwriting in secondary school
Published: 19/12/2019
By: Deborah Smith
Strength spotting for students
Strength spotting for students
Published: 20/08/2020
By: Adrian Bethune
Mental health first aid for schools
Mental health first aid for schools
Published: 04/02/2020
By: Phil Bridges
20 ideas for parents when children are at home due to Coronavirus (Covid-19)
20 ideas for parents when children are at home due to Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Published: 18/03/2020
By: Teachit's editorial team
20 ideas for effective questioning
20 ideas for effective questioning
Published: 06/09/2020
By: Sarah Longshaw