The Ultimate French Language Learning Toolkit

Designed by MFL teachers, for MFL classrooms. This all-encompassing, go-to GCSE French revision toolkit from Discover the World Education follows any topic, from any theme, from any exam board.
An extract from the AQA GCSE topic Identities & relationships with others:
Pour commencer – to start
Je me demande si –
I ask myself if
J’estime que – I
consider that
Tout d’abord - first of all
Je vais examiner – I will examine
En ce qui me concerne –
as far as I’m concerned
2. WHAT?
Do you get on with
Physical appearances
Personality traits
Qualities of a good friend
Ideal partner
3. WHEN? Time phrases
parfois - sometimes
bientôt - soon
hier - yesterday
immédiatement - immediately
récemment - recently
souvent - often
surtout - especially, above all
toujours - always
ça fait longtemps - it’s been a while