A-level Spanish speaking card: Los jóvenes logran empleo

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Maria Torres
A-level Spanish speaking card: Los jóvenes logran empleo
Main Subject
Key stage
Exam board
Politics: Young people and politics
Resource type
Exam preparation
Vocabulary learning

This resource is designed to help A-level Spanish students to prepare for the AQA speaking exam. It provides them with the opportunity to discuss the sub-theme of unemployment amongst young people in Spain (within Social issues and trends: Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world). 

Students match vocabulary cards to definitions, answer 'True or false?' questions, revise opinion phrases and hold a debate, as well as responding to a photo card in the style of the AQA A-level Spanish speaking exam.

While the photo card is specific to AQA Spanish, the resource could also be useful preparation for the 'employment opportunities' sub-theme of other exam boards’ specifications.

The background information from the speaking card:

La Obra Social la Caixa ya ha ayudado a 1.079 jóvenes de entre 16 y 29 años a encontrar un trabajo en España en el marco del programa La Caixa Empleo Joven.

El proyecto se suma a las distintas iniciativas que impulsa la Caixa con la voluntad de combatir el desempleo.

En la primera convocatoria, el 65,2 % de los contratos financiados han sido indefinidos, y el 34,8 % temporales.

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