The wasted years?
As teachers, we know that the early stages of a student’s secondary years are important for their success, and can have a long-lasting impact on attainment throughout the secondary phase. The DfE report, ‘KS3: the wasted years?’ (2015) also suggested that the transition to secondary school was not without its problems.
My resource - 20 ideas for transition – is designed to provide a few ideas for secondary teachers to help support students arriving at ‘big school’. There will be many of these that you are already doing as a matter of course, but it is hoped there may be a few ideas or tweaks here which might provide a fresh view on the process.
New staff, new students
Of course, September is a time when new staff join the school too; they will also need a supportive period of induction and mentoring in order to feel part of the ‘team’ at their new place of employment, whether they are NQTs, RQTs or more experienced colleagues.I hope that these ideas are relevant to all teachers of new students, whatever your subject specialism.
Download 20 ideas for transition.
(This article was first published as a newsletter on 29/8/18.)