The Romans

A collection of resources to guide you through the rampaging Romans and their invasion of Britain! Here you'll find resources on key figures like Julius Caesar and Boudicca, gods and goddesses, gladiators and more. Use the drop-down menus to direct you to appropriate resources for each section.


Knowledge organiser

Romans knowledge organiser

Display and key vocabulary

Roman gods and goddesses

From the Big Bang to the Roman invasion – British timeline cards

The Romans – key vocabulary

The Roman Empire and its impact

Roman technology

Julius Caesar's attempted invasions – dice game

Julius Caesar's attempted invasions of Britain

Roman numerals – applying the number system

Claudius' invasion

Roman conquest role play

Romans in Britain timeline

Rampaging Romans – The Roman invasion of Britain

Gladiators research

Boudicca storyboard

English resources

Roman gods and goddesses

How did Rome begin?

The Fatal Fire - further activities

The Romans – a newspaper comprehension

Romans on the Rampage by Jeremy Strong – Penguin schools resource collection

Find that information!


An introduction to Roman numerals

Roman numerawords

Roman numerals – applying the number system

Roman numerals to 100

Get creative!

Designing a Roman mosaic

Creating a Roman bust