20 ideas for transition eBook

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Alan Parkinson
eBook: 20 ideas for transition to year 7
Key stage
Resource type
Form tutor
Teaching ideas
Teaching tools and tips

Ease your year 7 students' transition to secondary school with our free e-book: 20 ideas for transition.

Inside, you'll discover practical advice, straightforward classroom management strategies and inclusive approaches to help ensure a smooth transition for your new year 7 students.


  • Tips for planning and organisation
  • Ways of making new routines fun
  • Ideas for fostering positive relationships
  • Techniques for promoting personal growth
  • Strategies for tackling challenges and reducing anxieties

Empower your students during this critical milestone and make the process enriching for both you and your students with these 20 ideas for year 7 transition.

Whether you’re teaching a year 6 class or planning for a new year 7 cohort, the big transition will be on your mind.

Our collection of 20 practical and varied tips will help you to help students with the transition from primary to secondary school.

Written for Teachit by Alan Parkinson

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