Christmas three clues game

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Christmas three clues game
Key stage
Resource type
Form tutor

A fun, Christmassy team game to round off the end of term and celebrate the festive season. 

Perfect as a silly seasonal starter or as a quick game with your tutor group, you'll find 20 Christmas words on printable cards to cut out, each with three Christmas trivia and historical clues to help students to guess the missing festive word.

If you don't have time to play the card game, the PowerPoint offers a more flexible option to play the game as a class or in small teams.  

Student take it in turns to guess the missing word using the clues - the winner is the student or team with the most points at the end. Chocolate prizes optional! 


Example words and clues from the game: 


A tree parasite.

Poisonous to humans.

Associated with love.

Answer: Mistletoe 

Was originally called Reginald.

First appeared in a book.

Has more blood vessels in nose. 

Answer: Rudulph 

Christmas song which doesn’t mention Christmas.

The first song to be played in space.

Celebrates horse races.

Answer: Jingle Bells

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