Multicultural Christmas quiz

Main Subject
ELT: Seasonal resources
Resource type
Vocabulary learning
A 20-question PowerPoint quiz about Christmas traditions around the globe. The Word document contains detailed answers (see the example below).
Fun and informative for learners of any age and nationality.
An extract from the resource:
1. In which country is ‘Nikolaustag’ celebrated?
‘Nikolaustag’ is celebrated in Germany on 5th/6th December. Children leave boots or shoes outside their bedroom door. St Nikolaus will leave gifts for children who have been good. However, if they haven’t been good, they may find a bunch of twigs! Traditional presents include apples, oranges, biscuits, sweets and small toys.
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Review this resourceHi, it is said that in Poland pudding would be "makowiec" and that it is noodles with poppy seeds. That is not true. Makowiec is a cake, usually yeast cake with poppy seeds.
I was reading through the powerpoint slides, and I noticed a little mistake. 'Eerste Kerstdag' and 'Tweede Kerstdag' is Dutch for Christmas Day and Boxing Day, not Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Tweede kerstdag literally translated is Second Christmas Day. I do love this resource though! It is always good to learn about other cultures' traditions during Christmas. Thank you for sharing.
I was reading through the powerpoint slides, and I noticed a little mistake. 'Eerste Kerstdag' and 'Tweede Kerstdag' is Dutch for Christmas Day and Boxing Day, not Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Tweede kerstdag literally translated is Second Christmas Day. I do love this resource though! It is always good to learn about other cultures' traditions during Christmas. Thank you for sharing.
You're not being daft at all, and my apologies for any confusion. The Word and PDF versions contain the list of questions and answers; the PowerPoint version displays one question per slide with the answers only visible in the notes field. I've now changed the description of each file type to try and make that a bit clearer. All animations in the PowerPoint (such as ticks and crosses) show in the editing mode which appears when you open the resource, but when you go into display mode, by clicking on the little ‘Slide Show’ icon at the bottom of the screen, the ticks and crosses only appear when the relevant answers are selected.
Maybe I'm being daft, but I don't see a version of this quiz without the answers...