What's in a name?

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First lesson
A fun first lesson or warm-up activity that has students talking about the meaning of their names, whether they like them and how naming works in their country. It works best with a multilingual class so students can learn not only about names but about each others' cultures too.
An extract from the worksheet:
Names in Britain
Look at the following statements about names and decide with your partner whether they are true or false for Britain. If they are false, try to correct them.
- Traditionally a woman changes her surname to the man’s surname when she gets married.
- There are different titles for men and women depending on whether they are married or not.
- You use ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Miss’ or ‘Ms’ plus the person’s first name.
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Review this resource09/10/2019
I'm going to test if it is suitable for an English course for teachers