Sun vampires: Possible questions and commentary style answers

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Phil White
Sun vampires: answers
Main Subject
Key stage
Reading skills: Comprehension
Includes answers
Resource type
Complete lesson

This hugely popular set of comprehension and exam-style questions, with suggested answers, is based on a downloadable magazine article resource, which you can download here: Sun vampires. It was originally published in The Big Issue.

Students read the accessible magazine article before answering a series of 15 questions on the text. Detailed model answers are provided for peer or self-assessment in class.  



Example questions from the downloadable resource: 

What is the writer trying to do or say to the reader?

What is Cayte Williams's attitude towards sunbeds? What conclusion does she want us to come to?

How does the writer achieve her purpose?

  1. Taken as a whole, what is the overall tone of the piece? Is it, for example, sombre and entirely serious, convincing us by the weight of the argument, or is it lighter, appealing more to our sense of humour? Does it have elements of both of these approaches? (Later questions approach this in more detail.)
  2. What is striking about the headline – "Sun vampires" – which might attract the attention of someone browsing through the magazine?
  3. The sub-heading bombards the reader with a variety of images – at least three. Can you identify them and explain the pictures Williams is trying to put into our heads? How do you feel about the new word she uses – “tanorexics”?
  4. What purpose is served by including the illustration?
  5. How does Williams try to get the reader personally involved in the first paragraph?

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