Les matières scolaires et les opinions

Last updated: 27/09/2024
Contributor: Teachit Author
Les matières scolaires et les opinions
Main Subject
Key stage
School and work: School life
Includes answers
Resource type
Complete lesson
This French PowerPoint resource on school subjects and opinions is perfect for the computer room or tablets in class. It is designed to improve learners' confidence in writing and speaking about the this topic and supports them in working independently. Simply download it and make it available on the shared drive or portal.

Students will need headphones initially, as they use the sound files to improve their pronunciation of school vocbabulary, including 18 school subjects and 10 opinions plus a range of connectives and justifications.

A code making activity encourages them to build extended opinion phrases about school subjects. They tswap the numerical codes with a partner and crack them by referring to the key. Students can then write their own paragraphs and read them to a partner for peer assessment, with an emphasis on good pronunciation.

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MERCI!!! This is awesome. Really love the content (not too basic but not overloading us with too much) and the format, having sound is soo good as often FRE/SPA are taught too much in writing and reading and we do not have enough sound. Thanks a lot.

Murielle Werner




You need to be playing the PowerPoint in slideshow mode to hear the audio when clicking on the relevant buttons. Please try again and check with your school IT team if you are still having problems with the sound at your end.

Sheena Newland, Senior Content Lead


well i can't hear any sounds in it and i'm not in slideshow mode

Lakshana SK


MERCI!!! This is awesome. Really love the content (not too basic but not overloading us with too much) and the format, having sound is soo good as often FRE/SPA are taught too much in writing and reading and we do not have enough sound. Thanks a lot.

Murielle Werner




You need to be playing the PowerPoint in slideshow mode to hear the audio when clicking on the relevant buttons. Please try again and check with your school IT team if you are still having problems with the sound at your end.

Sheena Newland, Senior Content Lead


well i can't hear any sounds in it and i'm not in slideshow mode

Lakshana SK


Hi Elizabeth, are you in slideshow mode when clicking the sound buttons? Please try again and contact support@teachit.co.uk for more guidance if needed. Thanks.

Sheena Newland, Senior Content Lead


I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't open this - I get the PowerPoint but it doesn't work: there's no sound and nothing happens when I click on a square. The sentence buuilder looks good - I'd like to be able to use the resource. Can anyone help?

Elizabeth Lampard




Love this, what a fab idea!

claire hurst




