Das Leben der Anderen: introduction

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Das Leben der Anderen dominoes activity
Main Subject
Key stage
Exam board
Languages: Literature and film
Includes answers
Resource type
Student activity
Vocabulary learning

A thorough and thought-provoking introduction to this prescribed work on the A-level AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas specifications. Students start by looking at a poster and making predictions about the content of the film. They then learn about the historical context of the 'DDR' through a domino activity. After working on key vocabulary about surveillance and political oppression, they then watch the trailer to the film and check their predictions.

There's also a 'quartet' game in which students sort characters into Stasi members and 'Others', leading them to reflect on the contrast between life in East Germany and West Germany. Finally, then can complete a gap fill activity about the director, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck.

You might also like the PowerPoint quiz Das Leben der Anderen: millionaire game.

Ausgabe 3 – Schlüsselwörter

Wie heißt das auf Deutsch? Schreiben Sie die richtigen Buchstaben in die Tabelle (unten).




  1. spy (in the police)
  2. surveillance
  3. freedom of speech
  4. repressive
  5. blackmail
  6. observations 
  7. interrogation methods
  8. dissidents
  9. humanity
  10. to bug (a room)
  11. suicide
  12. suspicion
  13. fear of arrest
  1. Redefreiheit
  2. Verdacht
  3. Dissidenten
  4. Menschlichkeit
  5. Angst vor Verhaftung
  6. Überwachung
  7. repressiv
  8. Observierungen
  9. Selbstmord
  10. Verhörsmethoden
  11. Erpressung
  12. Spitzel
  13. abhören


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