German pronunciation bingo

Last updated: 15/11/2023
German pronunciation bingo
Main Subject
Key stage
Resource type
Pronunciation and phonics

This German bingo activity is a fun way to practise tricky sound-spelling correspondences.

Unlike in most bingo games, students have to identify individual words from complete sentences. This exposes them to meaningful input, helps them to learn the correct spellings in context and makes the activity great practice for the GCSE dictation task.

The SSCs practised include the vowel sounds [ei] vs [ie], [eh] and long [ü], and the consonant sounds [ch] vs [sch], and [st-].

The game consists of two rounds, and you could use your own sentences with the same cards to vary the activity for further rounds. As an extension task, you could give students the sentences to translate.

This bingo game follows on well from German pronunciation: minimal pairs.

The bingo card from Round 1:










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