A-level French speaking: Mission Patrimoine

Last updated: 15/11/2023
A-level French speaking: Mission Patrimoine
Main Subject
Key stage
Artistic culture: Cultural heritage
Includes answers
Resource type
Exam preparation
Student activity

This resource is designed to provide KS5 students with the opportunity to discuss whether a heritage lottery fund is a good way to preserve France's cultural heritage.

To contextualise the discussion, students begin by watching a short video clip (music only) introducing Mission Stéphane Bern. They then match up French synonyms before reading about the organisation's aims on its website. In the next task, they put a French summary of the mission in order then translate it into English or else put the English version of the text in order and translate it into French. Less-able students could just match the French and English sentences.

These preparatory activities lead up to a debate, followed by a speaking card in the style of the AQA exam, with further discussion questions.

An extract from the translation task:



En septembre 2017, le journaliste Stéphane Bern a été chargé par le président de la République française

In September 2017, journalist Stéphane Bern was tasked by the President of the French Republic

de répertorier les sites en péril et

with drawing up a list of sites in danger and

d’identifier les trésors méconnus du patrimoine français.

identifying the little-known treasures of French cultural heritage.

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