Suitcase logic

A logic puzzle, great for maths clubs or as an end of term activity.
Simon, Julie, Dave and Sarah are at the airport, waiting to fly to Barbados. Use the clues below and your logic skills to find each of their full names, the type of bag they have and the items they have packed.
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Review this resourceI am a Teaching Assistant for the Maths Dept. at a secondary school in Herefordshire, England. We are in lockdown because of Covid-19. I am setting an optional weekly maths challenge with prizes for years 7-10 sent to them by email. I used Suitcase Logic and Birdwatching Logic tasks for the first challenge. I had a total of 185 entries from 118 pupils. 20% of pupils took part with 43% of entries returned correct. I am awarding a prize to one correct entry from each year group. Thank you for this resource - it was brilliant.
Has the feeling of an end-of-term activity!