The Black Death is one of my favourite topics. As historians, we are blessed with a subject that is rich in diverse, interesting and gory stories! At key stage 3, we have the opportunity to not only embed the core skills and facts, but to engage students with creative approaches.
The key to outstanding lessons
Share the past in ways that really connect with students. If we can unlock the past in a way that is accessible to all, then the barriers begin to come down. Even the most reluctant writers will be more willing to write about the Black Death once they’ve manhandled some leeches!
My favourite lesson
This investigation into the Black Death charges groups of students to work out what people believed could cure the Black Death. In role as investigators, they are given a particular evidence box to study. They use their inference skills to deduce what the cure is and why people believed it would be effective. Students then decide which cure to recommend for their village and must justify their choice to the class. Will the others agree?
Love Alex's ideas and approach? See more of her resources. And follow her on Twitter @lamb_heart_tea.
This article was first published as a newsletter.