Tourettes Action

Tourettes Action is the leading support and research charity for people with Tourette Syndrome and their families. The charity aims to ensure people with TS receive the practical support and social acceptance they need to help them live their lives to the full.

What is Tourette Syndrome?

Tourette Syndrome is an inherited, neurological condition, the key features of which are tics, involuntary and uncontrollable sounds, and movements.  Up to 85% of people with TS will also experience co-occurring conditions and features which might include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Anxiety.  

It is estimated that TS affects one school child in every hundred, and more than 300,000 children and adults in the UK live with the condition.

This collection of resources aims to raise awareness of TS among schools and to support teachers, TAs, parents and students in managing the condition. You can find plenty more advice and resources on the Tourettes Action teachers' page here.

You may also be interested in our article, Parenting a teen with Tourette Syndrome.



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