Designed for the job

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Jane R
Designed for the job
Main Subject
Key stage
Cells: Cell structure
Includes answers
Resource type

In this key stage 3 science worksheet, students read a lively text about specialised cells, including both plant and animal cells. They highlight the types of cell in one colour, information about cell structure in a second colour and the adaptations of the specialised cells to their particular functions in a third colour.

They use this information to construct their own sentences that summarise the structure and function of each type of specialised cell.

The specialised plant cells described in this resource are:

  • palisade cells
  • leaf cells
  • root hair cells
  • stomata.

The specialised animal cells described in this resource are:

  • sperm cells
  • nerve cells
  • red blood cells.

To see more cell biology resources for KS3 science, browse our Cells collection.

Two extracts from the text on specialised plant cells and animal cells:

Different cells have different jobs. In plants, palisade cells, found in the upper part of leaves, are green. The green colour is due to chlorophyll, a chemical essential for photosynthesis. The job of a leaf cell is to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water using energy from the sun.


Animals too have a wide variety of cells. Sperm cells resemble tadpoles: both have long, lashing tails to help them swim. Sperm cells have plenty of mitochondria. Mitochondria provide energy for the long swim to the egg cell. The role of a sperm cell is to fertilise an egg.

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