Descriptions in disguise!

Main Subject
ELT: Various topics
Resource type
Teaching ideas
Vocabulary learning
Whacky stick-on facial features and accessories with loads of suggestions for how to use them: a bank robbery role-play, a 'Wanted' poster, a live version of 'Guess who' ... Needs to be printed in colour.
An extract from the resource:
Ways of using the disguises
Listen and stick (A1)
For this activity, you will need a copy of the features/accessories for each student, pair or team of students and a set for yourself.
- Give each student/pair/team a set of features/accessories.
- Do a spot-check of vocabulary by asking them to hold up in turn: green glasses, an orange moustache, bright pink lips, a brown beard.
- Ask students to put a blob of sticky tack on the back of each feature/accessory.
- While they do this, stick some of your features/accessories onto a face shape on a sheet of paper, without showing it to the students.
- If students are doing the activity individually or in pairs, give each student/pair a blank face sheet. Describe the face you have made and students/pairs reproduce it.
- If students are doing the activity in teams, stick one blank face sheet at the front of the class. Describe the face you have made. Teams race to stick the correct features on the face.
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Review this resource01/10/2018
I am setting up a language enrichment group for our EAL children and this looks as though it will be lots of fun
Not used yet but sounds like a lot of fun for kids or grown ups ... Thank you so much... I am thinking of laminating the features so I can use them for a long time to come ... I shall be grateful for feedback from people who have used this resource ... Keep up the good work!
it can be used in small groups and for realia