The impact of climate change on crops

Last updated: 15/11/2023
The impact of climate change on crops
Main Subject
Key stage
All weather hazards: Climate change
Resource type
Exam preparation

Students highlight positive and negative impacts of climate change on crops then identify which of them lead to a negative feedback loop and which to a positive feedback loop, giving reasons.

They then write an answer to the exam-style question 'Climate change will have only negative impacts on global food production. To what extent do you agree with this statement?'

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An extract from this resource:

The combination of climate change and population growth makes the challenge of global food security even greater in the future. Due to climatic reasons and a lower import potential, LIDCs (low-income developing countries) are likely to suffer the most.

Agriculture (farming) is one of the areas that will be most greatly affected by our changing climate. However, these changes are not all negative.

It is important that we understand all these future potential changes so that LIDC and AC (advanced countries) governments alike can prepare to mitigate (reduce the impact of) and adapt to (cope with) these changes.

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