Take 10: Bangladesh floods

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Take 10: Bangladesh floods
Main Subject
Key stage
All weather hazards: Climate change
Resource type

This 'Take 10' revision resource asks the question 'Why is flooding in Bangladesh so devastating and what can be done?' and presents key facts for the case study. Each fact is associated with a black and white icon, helping to make it memorable.

These icons are included in the PDF / Word document as revision strips for students to cut out and annotate. A second revision strip can then be used to test their recall. The resource then demonstrates to students how to make links between the facts to form a chain of knowledge that can be used for writing answers in exams.

The PowerPoint also includes colour photos which can be used as a lesson starter. The exam practice questions in the PDF / Word document were written for the Eduqas B GCSE geography specification, but the facts and images could also be suitable for AQA and Edexcel.

Two of the four exam questions:

Explain the impacts of flooding in one LIC that you have studied. [6]

‘Flooding in Bangladesh occurs only as a result of natural causes.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]

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