Introduction to GCSE geography

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Introduction to GCSE geography
Main Subject
Key stage
Exam board
Geography: Geographical applications and skills
Includes answers
Resource type
Complete lesson

This KS4 transition lesson introduces students to GCSE geography and allows them to learn and practise key skills from the first day. Use the activities in this lesson to help students settle into their new classes and start to build useful geographical and exam skills.

Starting with an icebreaker activity, students are encouraged to recap and share their existing geography knowledge while getting to know students in their new GCSE class. Students use the acronym TEA to help them to describe patterns in data from graphs and maps then use their new skills to answer an exam style question. Includes an opportunity for peer assessment.

Starter – find someone who…

Talk to the other students in your class. Can you find someone who knows the answers to these questions? 


…can tell you the three different types of geography

…can tell you the names of the seven continents

…can tell you the names of the five oceans

…can tell you what the line of latitude at 0º is called

…can tell you
where Antarctica is

…can tell you
the names of
three biomes

…can tell you what HIC stands for

…can tell you which country has the largest population
in the world

…can give you an example of an NEE

…can give you
an example of a tectonic hazard

…can give you
an example of a weather hazard

…can tell you what
a meander is

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