Islamic empires 2: research sheet

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Chris terry
Islamic empires: research sheet
Main Subject
Key stage
History: World history
Resource type
Student activity
Concepts and methods
Cause and consequence

Internet research questions on the origins and spread of the Islamic empires, with three levels of difficulty to allow for differentiation.

This resource could follow on from Islamic empires 1: introduction and be used in conjunction with:

An extract from the medium-difficulty questions:

Using the internet, do some independent research to answer these questions in your book. Make sure you write in full sentences and use the question in your answer. Check you have used capital letters and full stops.

1.  In what century did Islam appear?

2.  Where did Islam originate (come from)?

3.  Who was the Muslim prophet? What was his job?

4.  Name two countries where Islam spread.

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