Reading at KS1
Embed key reading strategies and comprehension skills in your younger learners.
This beautifully-designed pack focuses on 10 key skills: listening; sequencing; using what you know; checking for sense and self-correcting; making inferences; answering and asking questions; making predictions; discussion; identifying cause and effect and role-play.
What's included?
- 12 texts and 72 engaging resources, including answer sheets where relevant
- supporting PowerPoint presentations
- opportunities to introduce, practise and consolidate key grammar elements
- includes starters, main activities, plenaries, assessment opportunities, extension ideas and home learning tasks
- links to the curriculum.
What's inside?
Introduction (pages 4-7)
Unit 1 – Listening skills (pages 8-21)
- Session 1 - Retelling Rapunzel
- Session 2 - Using precise language
- Resource printouts
- Rapping Rapunzel – original text
- Rapping Rapunzel: PPT
- Rapping Rapunzel: comprehension questions
- Rapping Rapunzel: retelling with pictures
- Rapping Rapunzel: spot the rhyming words
- Rapping Rapunzel: comparing versions
- Rapping Rapunzel: character comparison
Unit 2 – Sequencing skills (pages 22-36)
- Session 1 - Sequencing Rapping Rapunzel
- Session 2 - Story map
- Resource printouts
- Rapping Rapunzel: main events, starters and transition words
- Rapping Rapunzel: Story wheel
- Rapping Rapunzel: comic strips
- Rapping Rapunzel: story sequence
- Rapping Rapunzel: message in a balloon
- Rapping Rapunzel: story maps
Unit 3 – Using what you know (pages 37-51)
- Session 1 - Birds of Prey
- Session 2 - An Owl Called Alfie
- Resource printouts
- An Owl Called Alfie: original text
- Birds of prey
- Golden eagle: label the diagram
- Fact cards: birds of prey
- Owls
- Owl labels
- Fact cards: owls
- An Owl Called Alfie: comprehension questions
Unit 4 – Checking for sense and self-correcting (pages 52-66)
- Session 1 - The reader’s tool kit
- Session 2 - Character traits
- Resource printouts
- 'Jorinda and Joringel' by the Brothers Grimm: original text 1
- 'Jorinda and Joringel': translation by Margaret Hunt 1884
- Decoding strategies
- 'Jorinda and Joringel': sentence scrambles
- 'Jorinda and Joringel': cloze
- 'Jorinda and Joringel': bingo
- 'Jorinda and Joringel': main events
- 'Jorinda and Joringel': opening paragraph
Unit 5 – Making inferences (pages 67-84)
- Session 1 - Reading detectives
- Session 2 - Character traits
- Resource printouts
- The Forgotten Princess: original text
- Character photos
- Inference cards
- The Forgotten Princess: comprehension
- A day in the life of Princess Emily
- WAGOLL – for a day in the life of Cinderella
- The Forgotten Princess: opening paragraph PPT
- The Forgotten Princess: characters
- The Forgotten Princess: character traits
Unit 6 – Answering and asking questions (pages 85-101)
- Session 1 - Stone Soup – Asking questions
- Session 2 - Stone Soup – answering questions
- Resource printouts
- Stone Soup: original text
- Judge a book by its cover
- Finding answers to questions
- Stone Soup: how the story ends (version 1)
- Stone Soup: how the story ends (version 2)
- Stone Soup: reading comprehension dice game
- Stone Soup: DIY question dice
- Stone Soup: Powerpoints
Unit 7 – Making predictions (pages 102-120)
- Session 1 - What happens next?
- Session 2 - Jane the Giant Killer
- Resource printouts
- Jane the Giant Killer: Story starter: original text
- Touchy feely
- What happens next?
- Fortune teller
- Predict the household dangers
- Next in Jane the Giant Killer…
- Story planner
- Survival drama
- Survival drama in the Andes PPT
- Predictive questioning
- Jane the Giant Killer PPT
Unit 8 – Discussion (pages 121-138)
- Session 1 - A trip to the zoo
- Session 2 - Zoo complaint
- Resource printouts
- The secret diary of Liza Piza aged 9 ¾: original text
- Class 6 trip to Pidley Zoo by Ryan Lyon: original text 2
- A letter of complaint to the zoo: original text 3
- Reply to the zoo complaint: original text 4
- Zoo comprehension
- Compare the accounts: a difference of opinion
- What to see and do at the zoo
- Zoo map
- Letter comprehension
- Zoo reply
Unit 9 – Identifying cause and effect (pages 139-160)
- Session 1 - Cause and effect
- Session 2 - Exploring cause and effect with stories
- Resource printouts
- Cause and effect PPT
- Cause and effect card game
- What is the cause?
- Causes that need effects
- Find your cause and effect partner
- Cause and effect in The Forgotten Princess
- The Forgotten Princess – Eight causes and effects
- A chain of events
- Blank cards
Unit 10 – Role play to explore characters (pages 165-171)
- Session 1 - Role play: An Owl Called Alfie
- Session 2 - Role play: The Forgotten Princess
- Resource printouts
- Emotions
- Shadow puppets
- Preparing for role-play: questions
- The Forgotten Princess: role-play cards
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