Forces 1: bumper set of equations

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Keith Stansbie
Forces 1: bumper set of equations
Main Subject
Key stage
Includes answers
Resource type

A set of 230 physics equations with answers – for practice and revision for GCSE combined science and physics students.

Includes a range of calculations and equations for students to practise in the following topics: 

  • Weight and mass
  • Resultant forces
  • Work done 
  • Moments
  • Pressure
  • Pressure in fluids.

There are reminders of how to complete all the equations at the beginning of each topic, with sets of 10 equations to complete. 

Answers are included to help teachers and/or for self or peer marking in class. 

Share with students for independent practice or revision, or complete a set of 10 calculations in class a quick learning check or assessment task. 

For a similar set of equations on speed, acceleration, Newton's second law and momentum, download Forces 2: bumper set of equations for more GCSE physics practice calculations. 


moment of a force = force x distance

M = F d

(You should be able to recall and apply this equation.)

Complete all answers correct to 2 significant figures.

Determine the moment of a force of …

a. 500 N acting at a distance of 1.8 m from the pivot

b. 500 N acting at a distance of 1.6 m from the pivot 

c. 7000 N acting at a distance of 5.7 m from the pivot

d. 9000 N acting at a distance of 5.3 m from the pivot

e. 4000 N acting at a distance of 1.3 m from the pivot

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A brilliant resource. Thank you for putting these questions together and including the answers was also appreciated.

Órlaith O'S


A brilliant resource. Thank you for putting these questions together and including the answers was also appreciated.

Órlaith O'S
