Narrative writing teaching pack

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Teachit team
Narrative writing teaching pack KS3
Main Subject
Key stage
Resource type
Teaching pack

What's included?

Get students to hone all aspects of their writing skills in key stage 2 English lessons with this essential teaching and resource pack.

From plan/concept to draft/story writing, all the way through to editing/proofreading and review, this 54-page narrative writing project-based learning pack will ensure pupils continue to develop these valuable skills. 


Divided into five milestones or sections, pupils will learn to identify conflict and resolution in fiction writing and appreciate the importance of conflict and resolution when plotting their own stories and in other pieces of creative writing.

With a teacher section and a pupil worksheet section containing a bank of lesson plans and writing resources, this printable pack has everything you need for a complete, self-sustained unit on narrative writing.

The writing templates and various writing activities can be photocopied to form a pupil booklet as relevant, while the teacher section contains everything you need for the successful and interactive delivery of this unit.

Collaboration, group work & social skills

With a PSHE focus on discussion skills and how to resolve conflicts successfully, pupils will develop their social and emotional skills too. These elements are integrated into the pack itself so you can be safe in the knowledge that these important skills are also being covered, along with narrative writing techniques.

After all, the only thing better than a good story is an amazing story - denouement and all!

What's inside?

Milestone one: What is conflict?

  • Discussing and defining conflict
  • Relating to events in books or films
  • Creating a comic strip

Milestone two: Resolving conflicts

  • Investigating resolutions
  • Learning about 4 steps to conflict resolution
  • Writing a short play script

Milestone three: Sequencing events

  • Organising events in the correct order
  • Planning plot elements of their short story

Milestone four: Writing narrative stories

  • Considering the 4 steps to conflict resolution
  • Using role-play to resolve conflict
  • Writing a short story

Milestone five: Publishing stories

  • Self-assessment skills
  • Using peer and teacher feedback
  • Publishing stories

How to use our printable Narrative writing teaching pack:

Use our Narrative writing teaching pack as a stand-alone project to support reading and writing development across key stage 2 or use it to supplement or refresh existing schemes, units or modules of work. Many of the worksheets and teaching resources can also be used as meaningful homework activities and will save you planning time. The assessment elements included within also mean that you can use the project as a way of benchmarking pupil attainment levels.

Whether this is a starting point for your pupils or a transition unit to equip them for key stage 3 (and familiarise them with concepts that are relevant all the way up to GCSE), there’s something here to suit a wide range of settings and learners. The Word document format can also be differentiated for a range of specific needs.

Download or browse Teachit Primary’s entire teaching pack collection. Equally, if you’re keen to view other Primary English packs, go here.

And … for more topical or related resources and worksheets to support your teaching, you might find this collection valuable too.

Our thanks also go to colleagues at for allowing us to re-use their original content.

Teaching pack excerpt

Resolving conflicts

Directions: answer the questions below using complete sentences.

1.  Conflicts arise every day. Countries, political groups and individuals can be in conflict. To keep our communities and playgrounds safe, it is important that we learn how to resolve conflict. Think of a time when you had a conflict with a friend, a parent or a sibling. Describe the conflict. Were you able to resolve the conflict? How did you solve the problem?

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