Write an autumn poem

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Write an autumn poem
Main Subject
Key stage
Resource type
Student activity

This scaffolded English poetry writing resource is perfect for year 2. Children are asked to read John Keat’s famous poem ‘To Autumn’ (featured on the worksheet and on a PowerPoint for whole class teaching) and to find examples in the poem of the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of autumn. They are then asked to use the planning template to write and sketch their own ideas of autumn sights, sounds, tastes and smells to write an autumn-themed sense poem.

This lovely autumn poetry activity includes example poems and is a wonderful opportunity to inspire children to focus on their senses at this very evocative time of year.

An extract from the resource:

This poem by John Keats is full of the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of autumn. Make a key using coloured pencils and circle an example of each in the poem.

Choose a line or few words from the poem to describe something that you can see, taste, smell, taste or touch. Write the words and sketch a picture in the boxes below.

Autumn is a wonderful time to go outside and explore the senses! Take a nature walk in your school grounds or local park and note down what you smell, see, taste, feel and hear. Make notes and draw sketches to help.

Now write your ideas down in a list. Here is an example of a list poem:

In the playground

I saw a sea of autumn leaves, red, yellow and brown,

I heard the caw of greedy crows,

I felt the soft earth beneath my feet,

I touched the rough bark on the tree

I tasted the sweet air on the breeze.

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