Year 1 common exception words

Last updated: 19/02/2024
Year 1 common exception words
Main Subject
Key stage
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): Literacy
Resource type

This year 1 common exception words list is a valuable resource for KS1 teachers aiming to enhance children’s reading, writing and spelling skills.

Help children develop a strong foundation in reading and writing by reinforcing common exception words. These words, often not phonetically regular, are frequently used in texts and conversations. By mastering these, children can improve their fluency and comprehension skills.

How to use this year 1 common exception words printable

This versatile resource can be used in a number of ways. Distribute it to parents as a handout for at-home learning, display it as a poster in the classroom for constant visibility or provide it as a word mat to support children in writing activities and spelling revision.

Why do we teach common exception words?

Common exception words are words in English that do not follow the regular phonics rules children learn at school. These words are often used in everyday conversation and are important for children to learn for their reading and writing development. By learning these words, children can improve their reading fluency and comprehension. Additionally, it enhances their writing skills, enabling them to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively.

More resources to help teach common exception words

For additional resources to teach common exception words, try Year 1 and 2 common exception words printable to support children into Year 2. You might also like these spelling tips which focus on syllables and letter strings.

A sample extract from the resource:












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