Nick Hobbs
It seems terrible that wheels should be in a constant cycle of reinvention or that resources which demonstrably work well should only be shared with your immediate circle of colleagues. We all benefit from the inspiration of other peoples’ ideas – or simply from the time saved when we are under pressure – and it is rewarding to make a small contribution to this process. It is also pleasurable to revisit and improve on resources which you knew at the time contained the germ of something better!
Resources published 29
Resources downloaded 134527
I’ve been retired for some time now, but for over twenty years I was Head of MFL at Lytchett Minster School in Dorset, where I taught French and Spanish. I went into teaching because I wanted to share the pleasure which I got from learning new languages and because I enjoyed the energy and enthusiasm of young people. In retirement I have continued to teach with the U3A and to challenge my linguistic brain: I have been studying Mandarin for several years and have recently embarked on Italian.