Sentence construction dice

A versatile, differentiated set of dice templates, encouraging students to use a range of different sentence structures and punctuation.
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Review this resource10/06/2021
What a brilliant idea. I will use these with KS4 reluctant writers.
I have used these with pupils in Year 7 and 8 classes who are stuck in a rut with sentence building or seem reluctant to use complex sentences to improve the maturity of their writing.
The more complex dice also worked well with a small group of Year 9 boys who entered the school with a KS2 level of 5c and again seemed unable to develop further. The dice took away the tricky decision making, gave confidence about higher level skills and gave rise to quick, successful results.
The more complex dice also worked well with a small group of Year 9 boys who entered the school with a KS2 level of 5c and again seemed unable to develop further. The dice took away the tricky decision making, gave confidence about higher level skills and gave rise to quick, successful results.
just superb
this was a really useful tool that I used with entry level students
Used in a writing lesson to ensure differentiation.