Fractions, decimals and percentages word problems
Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Teachit Author

Use this worksheet to help KS3 students practise using and converting fractions, percentages and decimals while building confidence in solving word problems.
Featuring twelve word problems that will have students calculating fractions, finding fractions of an amount, simplifying fractions, finding percentages of an amount and converting fractions to percentages and decimals. Includes answers.
- Amal and Seema are planning a party. Seema has hired a giant bubble machine which includes 8 ¾ bottles of bubble mixture. The party is a huge success and Amal only needed to put 3 1/3 bottles of bubble mixture into the machine. How many bottles of bubble mixture are left?
- Patrick bakes 8 different cakes for his cake sale. He slices each cake into 7 pieces and takes out 2 slices from each cake for friends and family. When all the remaining slices are added together how many cakes does he have to sell?
- Diana buys 5 pizzas and shares the pizzas equally between 10 people. What fraction of a whole pizza does each person get?
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