Essay planning

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Rhiannon Glover
Essay planning
Main Subject
Key stage
Essay writing: Planning essays
Resource type
Exam preparation

An excellent, student-friendly guide for A-level students about the benefits of essay planning, and covering all the stages of planning. Includes detailed guidance on how to approach a KS5 essay question or title and how to identify the key or command words of the question. 

An extract from the lesson worksheet: 

The stages of essay planning

There are definite stages to planning an essay which are as important to follow for coursework essays as for essays written in exam conditions. 

  1. Read the question (several times).
  2. Identify the key words in the question and underline them.
  3. Explore these key words.
  4. Write a plan which addresses these key words and orders your ideas.
  5. Start writing your essay and refer regularly to your plan.

Considering the title

Essay titles are generally framed in the same kind of way.  You may be asked to discuss, consider or explore a text or a particular aspect of it.  You may be asked what you think about an aspect of a text or you may be invited to consider the validity of a particular statement about a text.  You could also be asked to compare and contrast two or more texts.

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