Compound coordinates: speed

A KS3-4 maths worksheet on proportion.
The times for insects to travel 20m have been muddled up! Draw a graph to plot the points, use knowledge of proportion to work out which measurements belong to which insect, then use straight lines to calculate the speeds. A lovely resource prompting discussion and links between different maths topics.
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Review this resourceThanks for the comment. The mistake has now been amended.
Lovely resource to connect topics of speed, proportion and links to graphs. Thank you.
Mistake in answers on last question 6f. Time for the month to cover 52.5m at speed of 3m/s is 17.5s not 10.5s.
Mistake in answers on last question 6f. Time for the month to cover 52.5m at speed of 3m/s is 17.5s not 10.5s.