Anti-Bullying Week assembly

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Anti-Bullying Week assembly
Main Subject
Key stage
PSHE and wellbeing
Resource type

This whole school assembly is designed to help children to recognise that their actions affect themselves and others, and to understand the importance of kindness. It also discusses being kind to oneself. 

The resource comprises teaching notes and a PowerPoint presentation. The assembly is intended to be approximately 20 minutes long.

You will need to enlist the help of a colleague or two for this assembly. 

An extract from the assembly:

Remind the children of when you knocked the pen pot over earlier. Tell them that when that happened, they might be surprised to learn that you started thinking some unkind things… about yourself. Give them examples of the unkind thoughts, e.g. ‘I’m so clumsy’, ‘Why can’t I ever get things right?

Explain that by thinking those things, you were bullying yourself. This is something many of us do, often without even realising it! We are sometimes much less kind to ourselves than we would be to one of our friends. If a friend had knocked over the pen pot, you would not have thought unkind things about them! You might have thought, ‘Whoopsy daisy, an accident!’, or ‘I’ll help them pick those pens up!’

Suggest that a good way of being kind to yourself is to always be as nice to yourself as you would be to your best friend. If you wouldn’t say it to your best friend, then don’t say it to yourself!

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