Long division questions

Last updated: 11/06/2024
Long division questions
Main Subject
Key stage
Includes answers
Resource type
Complete lesson
Student activity

These long division resources offer a comprehensive guide for introducing or practising long division with your KS2 class.

What's included

  • Free printable PDF worksheet featuring long division questions and real-world word problems with answers included
  • Editable worksheet and accompanying step-by-step PowerPoint guiding children through the long division method (subscribers only).

How to use these long division resources

The PowerPoint breaks down the steps of long division in an easy-to-understand manner, using clear language and relatable examples. It begins by defining key terms such as 'dividend', 'divisor', and 'quotient', and then illustrates the process of long division with remainders in detail.

The worksheet provides a series of practice questions that range from straightforward division problems to real-life word problems. The questions progressively increase in difficulty, ensuring children of different abilities are catered for. The solutions are clearly worked out, allowing children to understand where they might have gone wrong.

The plenary activity at the end of the PowerPoint serves as a quick assessment tool to assess the pupils' understanding of the topic. This resource is perfect for reinforcing the concept of long division in a classroom setting.

Looking for more like this?

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An extract from the PowerPoint:

Now, let's break down the steps of long division...

1. Write out the multiples of the divisor: The multiples of a number are what you get when you multiply that number by other numbers.

2. Divide: Ask how many times the divisor can go into the first number (or numbers) of your dividend. Write that number on top of the line.

3. Multiply: Multiply the divisor by the number you just wrote on top of the line. Write the result under the dividend.

4. Subtract: Subtract the number you just wrote from the first number (or numbers) of your dividend. Write the result underneath.

5. Bring the next digit down: Bring down the next digit of your dividend and add it to the end of your remainder.

Repeat steps 2-5 with this new number. Keep going until you've used all the digits of your dividend.

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