Summer Olympics — Geographical skills activities

Last updated: 23/05/2024
Summer Olympics — Geographical skills activities
Main Subject
Key stage
Resource type
Student activity

These ready-to-use worksheets offer KS3 and GCSE geography students an engaging and insightful exploration of Summer Olympics data, fostering essential geographical skills through activities around medal distribution, population, GDP and climate analysis.

What’s included?

Free printable PDF packet or an editable and adaptable version for subscribers which feature:

  • Summer Olympics medal data on the top 10 countries (up to Tokyo 2020)
  • Geographical skills activities which involve presenting and analysing data
  • Ready-to-use worksheets

Olympics-themed geographical skills activities

Build important geographical skills with your KS3 and GCSE students using the activities and worksheets in this packet. Handpick relevant activities to incorporate into your lessons or have a fun Olympics-themed geography lesson which also reinforces students’ geographical knowledge and skills.

Choose from activities like:

  • The Global Grapher. Students create a world map showing total medal distribution by country.
  • The Continental Connoisseur. Students group the total medal counts by continent and represent this in a bar graph.
  • The Population Pro. Students research and compare each country's population to its medal count presenting a scatter plot before analysing the data for patterns.
  • The GDP Guru. Students investigate the GDP of the top 10 countries vs. their total medal count.
  • The Climate Conjecturer. Students explore the relationship between each nation's climate and its medal count presenting the data in scatter plot graphs and analysing their findings.

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