Careers with languages – posters

Last updated: 26/02/2024
Careers with languages – posters
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These downloadable posters feature 13 varied careers where languages are helpful, going beyond obvious language jobs like language teacher, tour guide or translator to careers that students might not have thought of – such as roles in international relations, opportunities for linguists in the Secret Intelligence Service and the importance of languages in purchasing and sales.

Some profiles focus on the language skills of well-known figures and celebrities – such as Jodie Foster’s fluency in French, Sandra Bullock’s proficiency in German and Gwyneth Paltrow’s abilities in Spanish – while others provide more general information on job opportunities that use languages. Each profile lists the qualifications required to apply for the job, the work experience needed, the opportunities for apprenticeships and internships, and the reasons why modern languages will be beneficial. A QR code on each poster links to further information.

These posters are designed to accompany the resource Why study languages at A-level?

An extract from the journalist profile:

Why are languages useful for becoming a journalist?

If you want to become a foreign correspondent (reporting on global affairs), it will be helpful to know languages that are spoken in many different countries (such as Arabic, French and Spanish) or by the major players on the world stage (such as Hindi, Mandarin Chinese and Russian).

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