Tackling the new GCSE for MFL - Suzi Bewell webinar for Teachit Talks
In this 30-minute CPD video and accompanying PowerPoint resource, Tackling the new GCSE for MFL: time-effective strategies to get your KS3 language learners exam ready, Suzi Bewell talks about how to prepare for the new MFL GCSE, and ways you can get KS3 learners ready for the exam.
Watch the webinar now, and download the free, accompanying PowerPoint presentation.
About the speaker:
Suzi Bewell is a well-known languages teacher and trainer. She ran the MFL PGCE course at York University, and has over 20 years’ experience of teaching French, Spanish and German, and more recently Mandarin in the UK and overseas. She is a SSAT Lead Practitioner for language and also runs her own successful educational consultancy, supporting languages teachers worldwide.
Overview of changes: Phonics and Dictation
Subject content for French, German and Spanish GCSEs for first teaching from September 2024 and first examinations from summer 2026.
Key points to note linked to today’s webinar:
- In the exam, students will need to learn to be able to confidently read out loud from a written prompt.
- Students will be expected to pronounce words with stress patterns that allow their speech to be clear and comprehensible.
- Students will use their phonic awareness to transcribe what they hear with a good degree of accuracy.