As the Christmas holidays approach, keeping students engaged while managing your own energy levels can feel like a monumental task. Here are practical strategies to help you maintain momentum and classroom control during these challenging final weeks.
8 tips for surviving the weeks before the Christmas holidays
1. Plan assessments strategically
Avoid major tests in the final week. Instead, use this time for structured revision activities or project completion. Consider interactive quiz formats or peer assessment activities to maintain engagement while reducing your marking load.
Try these resources
English: |
Maths |
Science |
Languages |
Geography |
History |
2. Embrace the festive spirit
Incorporate subject-specific festive elements into your teaching. From quick advent calendar activities as lesson starters to more detailed holiday-themed projects, we've got plenty of resources to engage students while keeping them learning.
Try these resources
Check out Christmas classroom games: 20 festive ideas to engage students for creative ways to enhance learning in any subject through games with a holiday spirit!
3. Use active learning strategies
Combat restlessness and keep students focused with movement-based learning activities. Try gallery walks for revision, organise subject-specific scavenger hunts, set up relay races, create ‘speed dating’ revision sessions, or implement roleplay activities.
Try these resources
English |
History |
Languages |
Geography |
Science |
For any subject |
4. Create focused revision activities
For exam classes, create focused revision activities that feel purposeful but manageable. Break topics into small chunks and use varied approaches — mind mapping, quick-fire questions or student-led teaching segments.
Try these resources
Explore subject-specific revision resources for English, maths, science, languages, geography or history.
5. Provide differentiated work levels
Prepare tiered activities that allow students to work at their own pace. This helps manage varying energy levels while ensuring meaningful learning continues. Have extension activities ready for early finishers.
6. Maintain clear boundaries
Set and maintain consistent behaviour expectations while acknowledging the season. Consider implementing a reward system for classes that maintain focus, perhaps with a structured festive activity as a reward in the final lesson. Rewards could include listening to festive music, hosting a Christmas quiz, watching a class film (with educational connections) or setting up festive activity stations.
7. Prepare wisely for the final week
Plan calm, purposeful activities for the last few days. Consider structured debates, subject-specific documentaries with focused tasks, or student-led presentations. This maintains a sense of purpose while acknowledging the festive atmosphere.
Explore subject-specific Christmas resources for English, maths, science, languages, geography and history for ideas and ready-to-use activities.
8. Don’t forget tutor time
Managing a tutor group during these final weeks adds another layer of responsibility. Balance festive activities and team building with quieter mindfulness and reflection exercises.
This Christmas advent calendar offers fun and playful festive activities to brighten your December tutor times. Use Christmas games and quizzes for team building and community, especially during extended tutor sessions in the final week.
Set aside time for reflection where students can celebrate their term's accomplishments and set realistic January goals. Consider incorporating short mindfulness exercises or guided breathing activities during tutor time to help students manage pre-holiday excitement and exam stress while creating moments of calm in their busy day.
Try these resources
- Christmas three clues game
- Cracking Christmas quiz
- Christmas dingbats!
- Christmas card templates
- SMART goal setting for students
- Mindfulness activities
Browse all form tutor resources.